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Lenx DC high voltage wire tester test principle
author:管理員 Publication time:2016-09-07 16:17:16 Read:
What is the high voltage principle of lx-360dc high voltage wire testing machine? How to output the circuit to test the high voltage is a concern of many users. Now we will analyze the DC high voltage wire testing machine according to the high voltage principle of wire testing. 1, with the power plug line comprehensive tester test a high voltage test wire, as long as it is the test, the core between the high voltage, like wire because the number of wire core is different, when the test according to the number of wire to test. /2 less number of wire test, if we are now the power plug line test, because the power line only 3 core, test first test L,N line, test after the completion of the test L,N line parallel, with the E line test, test after the completion of the external pressure. This is the basic test principle of our lx-360dc high voltage wire testing machine for testing high voltage, why there is bad high voltage sometimes, there is no problem after testing for many times, you can pass. Because when we do the high pressure test, which happens to be the high pressure of this test if it comes out sometimes at a certain distance, then I set up the instrument to hit the high pressure higher, now hit the high pressure higher, I believe that this problem will absolutely test the result is certain. |